When advocating for constructive disruption, we conceptualise that disruption is simply defined as a break or interruption in a normal course or process. We live in a society where racism is normalised, and any act of calling out race inequalities in different spaces is a form of disruption. To enact disruption requires an understanding of the system in which you are trying to disrupt and what part you are looking to interrupt normalised racist praxis. [we need to] recognise core parts of the system and offers opportunity for transformation and change
— Dr Arun Verma (Anti-Racism in Higher Education: An Action Guide for Change"

Join this constructively disruptive roundtable of leading thinkers, dreamers and changemakers to discuss themes from the book “Anti-Racism in Higher Education: An Action Guide for Change” (https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/anti-racism-in-higher-education)

In this event Dr Arun Verma, facilitates a live discussion on where are we on positioning anti-racism since the book’s publication and what are the next steps we need to take.